Quick & Easy Breakfast Oats Cookies 🍪 Student-friendly & Healthy ~

by - March 02, 2020

If you're student, like I am, then you probably always struggle to have healthy meals and breakfast can be especially tricky because who has time in the morning to sit down and have a healthy meal? I know I don't. But don't worry, I got u. After some experimentation I finally combined a student-friendly as well as quick and easy recipe for cookies 🍪🍪

I tried to make it as nutrient-dense as possible and I added my favourite fruits: dates, raisins and bananas 🍌 combined with oats and sweetened with honey🍯.

The best thing about them is that you can grab one and go about your day + they're easy to take with you to uni/school etc. So when you're on the go and short of time, they're the best, quickest and easiest cookies to make!

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