Easy & Healthy Banana Bread Recipe | Quarantine Easter Bake!

by - April 20, 2020

Has anybody else felt the urge to join the recent banana bread movement? I can't be the only one that noticed the uncontrollable spread of banana bread all over the internet since the beginning of self-isolation / lock-down. I mean, if it hasn't officially been announced the most baked recipe during quarantine yet, now is the time for a proper announcement.

 I had been meaning to make banana bread anyway because those ripe bananas sitting around aimlessly weren't going to waste. So here's a combination of many recipes I found online with a tweak of my own to make it a bit healthier...


you will need 3 bowls

1. Dry ingredients:

in a large bowl add:

2.5 cups ground oats 

1 tbsp baking powder

1 tbsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp ground ginger

1 tsp ground turmeric 

1/2 tsp ground cardamom

2. wet ingredients:

in a smaller bowl:

mash 4 ripe bananas

[until a 80% homogenous paste is formed]

in another bowl:

beat 2 whole eggs

1/4 cup oil

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 cup fat-free yogurt

1/2 cup honey

2 tbsp raisins




. add the mashed bananas and give it a slow mix

. add the dry ingredients slowly to the wets ingredients bowl and mix slowly

. grease a baking mould with just enough oil and sprinkle some ground oats over the oil

. slowly and evenly pour the mixture into the mould

. flatten the top and sprinkle some oats as a finishing touch

. bake in the oven for about 1 hour but keep checking and don't forget the prick test

if the prick comes out clean then

Your banana bread is ready!


. let it cool for some time then take it out of the mould

. serve alone or, what I did, was pouring some honey on top with a cup of tea to go with it for a perfect easter breakfast!

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