
REAL TECHNIQUES: Miracle DIAMOND sponge??? | Beauty News Vol.26 |18/8/2016|

by - August 18, 2016

Hello! so, I was scrolling (poker-faced) on instagram until I came across this baby right here and I immediately thought to myself "BEAUTY NEWS!".
There are some things that are like "meh, whatever" and then there're other things that are like "OMG WHAT?" and this, everyone, is one of them.

The "Miracle Diamond Sponge by Real Techniques" is the newest member to their amazing makeup sponges range and the newest member of the "Bold Metals" collection (yes, just when you thought that the collection couldn't get any more perfect).
Also, my humble pharmacist to be self will gladly ignore the fact that diamonds are not "metals" because honestly, who cares??

If this isn't beauty then I don't know what is...
Real talk over here. It looks quite intimidating to use at first glance. SO many angles and l'm like, how am I supposed to use this? but luckily there was a video posted with a demo and also a picture with instructions. Check them out...

I honestly was shocked at the amount of hate comments on this video. However I can understand why people would think it's gimmicky. I personally would like to try it out. It looks very interesting (and very cute too!)



Check out the available stores for you HERE

overall, I'm really excited for it and would like to try it out. What do you think about it?

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